package com.mumfrey.webprefs;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import com.mojang.realmsclient.dto.RealmsServer;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.JoinGameListener;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.Tickable;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.core.LiteLoader;
import com.mumfrey.webprefs.exceptions.InvalidServiceException;
import com.mumfrey.webprefs.exceptions.InvalidUUIDException;
import com.mumfrey.webprefs.framework.WebPreferencesProvider;
import com.mumfrey.webprefs.interfaces.IWebPreferences;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ServerData;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.Session;

 * WebPreferences Service Manager, acts as a central registry for all web
 * preference collections. 
 * <p>To access preferences on a service, first request the service using
 * {@link #get(String)} or {@link #getDefault()}, you can then request
 * preferences objects from the service by calling the various overloads of
 * {@link #getPreferences}.</p>
 * @author Adam Mummery-Smith
public final class WebPreferencesManager
     * WebPreferences Manager Update Daemon is injected into LiteLoader to
     * facilitate passing events to the WebPreferences Manager without having to
     * expose public callback methods.
     * @author Adam Mummery-Smith
    static class WebPreferencesUpdateDeamon implements Tickable, JoinGameListener
        public String getName()
            return "Web Preferences Update Daemon";

        public String getVersion()
            return "N/A";

        public void init(File configPath)

        public void upgradeSettings(String version, File configPath, File oldConfigPath)

        public void onTick(Minecraft minecraft, float partialTicks, boolean inGame, boolean clock)
            if (clock)
                for (WebPreferencesManager manager : WebPreferencesManager.managers.values())
        public void onJoinGame(INetHandler netHandler, SPacketJoinGame joinGamePacket, ServerData serverData, RealmsServer realmsServer)
            for (WebPreferencesManager manager : WebPreferencesManager.managers.values())
     * Default KV api hostname to connect to
    private static final String DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "";

     * Regex for validating UUIDs
    private static final Pattern uuidPattern = Pattern.compile("^[a-f0-9]{32}$");
     * Mapping of hostnames to managers
    static final Map<String, WebPreferencesManager> managers = new LinkedHashMap<String, WebPreferencesManager>();
     * Update daemon
    private static WebPreferencesUpdateDeamon updateDeamon;
     * Session for this instance
    private final Session session;
     * Preference provider, manages queueing requests and passing responses back
     * to clients
    private final WebPreferencesProvider provider;
     * All preference sets, for iteration purposes
    private final List<AbstractWebPreferences> allPreferences = new LinkedList<AbstractWebPreferences>();
     * All public preference sets, mapped by UUID
    private final Map<String, IWebPreferences> preferencesPublic = new HashMap<String, IWebPreferences>();
     * All private preference sets, mapped by UUID
    private final Map<String, IWebPreferences> preferencesPrivate = new HashMap<String, IWebPreferences>();

    private WebPreferencesManager(Proxy proxy, Session session, String hostName)
        this.session = session;
        this.provider = new WebPreferencesProvider(proxy, session, hostName, 50);
    void onTick()
        for (AbstractWebPreferences prefs : this.allPreferences)
            catch (Exception ex) {}
    void onJoinGame()
        for (AbstractWebPreferences prefs : this.allPreferences)
            catch (Exception ex) {}

     * Get a public or private preferences collection for the local player. If
     * the game is running in offline mode, a local preference collection is
     * returned instead.
     * @param privatePrefs true to fetch the player's private preferences, false
     *      to fetch public preferences 
     * @return player's preference collection, creates if necessary
    public IWebPreferences getLocalPreferences(boolean privatePrefs)
            return this.getPreferences(this.session.getPlayerID(), privatePrefs);
        catch (InvalidUUIDException ex)
            UUID offlineUUID = EntityPlayer.getOfflineUUID(this.session.getUsername());
            return this.getOfflinePreferences(offlineUUID, privatePrefs, false, false);

     * Get a public preferences collection for the specified player. If the game
     * is running in offline mode, a dummy preference collection supporting no
     * operations is returned instead.
     * @param player Player to fetch preferences for
     * @param privatePrefs True to fetch the player's private preferences, false
     *      to fetch the public preferences
     * @return Preference collection or <tt>null</tt> if the player's profile
     *      cannot be retrieved
    public IWebPreferences getPreferences(EntityPlayer player)
            return this.getPreferences(player, false);
        catch (InvalidUUIDException ex)
            String playerName = player.getName();
            UUID offlineUUID = EntityPlayer.getOfflineUUID(playerName);
            return this.getOfflinePreferences(offlineUUID, false, false, !playerName.equals(this.session.getUsername()));
     * Get a public or private preferences collection for the specified player,
     * note that accessing a private collection for another player is likely
     * to be prohibited by the service.
     * @param player Player to fetch preferences for
     * @param privatePrefs True to fetch the player's private preferences, false
     *      to fetch the public preferences
     * @return Preference collection or <tt>null</tt> if the player's profile
     *      cannot be retrieved
    public IWebPreferences getPreferences(EntityPlayer player, boolean privatePrefs)
        GameProfile gameProfile = player.getGameProfile();
        return gameProfile != null ? this.getPreferences(gameProfile, privatePrefs) : null;
     * Get a public preferences collection for the specified game profile.
     * @param gameProfile game profile to fetch preferences for 
     * @return Preference collection or <tt>null</tt> if the supplied profile is
     *      null
    public IWebPreferences getPreferences(GameProfile gameProfile)
        return gameProfile != null ? this.getPreferences(gameProfile, false) : null;
     * Get a public or private preferences collection for the specified game
     * profile, note that accessing a private collection for another player is
     * likely to be prohibited by the service.
     * @param gameProfile game profile to fetch preferences for 
     * @param privatePrefs True to fetch the player's private preferences, false
     *      to fetch the public preferences
     * @return Preference collection or <tt>null</tt> if the supplied profile is
     *      null
    public IWebPreferences getPreferences(GameProfile gameProfile, boolean privatePrefs)
        return gameProfile != null ? this.getPreferences(gameProfile.getId(), privatePrefs) : null;

     * Get a public preferences collection for the specified player UUID.
     * @param uuid UUID to fetch preferences for
     * @return Preference collection or <tt>null</tt> if the supplied UUID is
     *      null
    public IWebPreferences getPreferences(UUID uuid)
        return uuid != null ? this.getPreferences(uuid, false) : null;

     * Get a public or private preferences collection for the specified player
     * UUID, note that accessing a private collection for another player is
     * likely to be prohibited by the service.
     * @param uuid UUID to fetch preferences for
     * @param privatePrefs True to fetch the player's private preferences, false
     *      to fetch the public preferences
     * @return Preference collection or <tt>null</tt> if the supplied UUID is
     *      null
    public IWebPreferences getPreferences(UUID uuid, boolean privatePrefs)
        return uuid != null ? this.getPreferences(uuid.toString(), privatePrefs) : null;
    public IWebPreferences getPreferences(String uuid, boolean privatePrefs)
        uuid = this.sanitiseUUID(uuid);
        Map<String, IWebPreferences> preferences = privatePrefs ? this.preferencesPrivate : this.preferencesPublic;
        IWebPreferences prefs = preferences.get(uuid);
        if (prefs == null)
            WebPreferences newPrefs = new WebPreferences(this.provider, uuid, privatePrefs, !uuid.equals(this.session.getPlayerID()));
            preferences.put(uuid, newPrefs);
            prefs = newPrefs;
        return prefs;
    private IWebPreferences getOfflinePreferences(UUID uuid, boolean privatePrefs, boolean readOnly, boolean dummy)
        Map<String, IWebPreferences> preferences = privatePrefs ? this.preferencesPrivate : this.preferencesPublic;
        IWebPreferences prefs = preferences.get(uuid);
        if (prefs == null)
            AbstractWebPreferences newPrefs = dummy
                    ? new DummyOfflineWebPreferences(uuid, privatePrefs, readOnly)
                    : new OfflineWebPreferences(uuid, privatePrefs, readOnly);
            preferences.put(uuid.toString(), newPrefs);
            prefs = newPrefs;
        return prefs;
    private String sanitiseUUID(String uuid)
        if (uuid == null)
            throw new InvalidUUIDException("The UUID was null");
        uuid = uuid.toLowerCase().replace("-", "").trim();
        Matcher uuidPatternMatcher = WebPreferencesManager.uuidPattern.matcher(uuid);
        if (!uuidPatternMatcher.matches())
            throw new InvalidUUIDException("The specified string [" + uuid + "] is not a valid UUID");
        return uuid;

     * Get the default preferences manager (
     * @return default preferences manager
    public static WebPreferencesManager getDefault()
        return WebPreferencesManager.get(WebPreferencesManager.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME);
     * Get a preferences manager for the specified service hostname
     * @param hostName service hostname (bare hostname only, no protocol)
     * @return preferences manager
     * @throws InvalidServiceException if the specified host name is invalid
    public static WebPreferencesManager get(String hostName) throws InvalidServiceException
            new URI(String.format("http://%s/", hostName));
        catch (URISyntaxException ex)
            throw new InvalidServiceException("The specified service host was not valid: " + hostName, ex);
        if (WebPreferencesManager.updateDeamon == null)
            WebPreferencesManager.updateDeamon = new WebPreferencesUpdateDeamon();
        WebPreferencesManager manager = WebPreferencesManager.managers.get(hostName);
        if (manager == null)
            Minecraft minecraft = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
            Proxy proxy = minecraft.getProxy();
            Session session = minecraft.getSession();
            manager = new WebPreferencesManager(proxy, session, hostName);
            WebPreferencesManager.managers.put(hostName, manager);
        return manager;