Issue #28 · created by Dan · ·

Issues using ModNameFilter (--mods),

Hello, I have encountered an issue while trying to use liteloader with the ModNameFilter flag. This is not a breaking issue, it's more of a "doesn't work as intended" issue. Here is the scenario. I have two litemod files in my mods folder. I pass the --mods argument specifying only one of the mods (ChatBubbles). The filter works, and only ChatBubbles is enabled, the other is not. The issue is that when the mods parameter is specified the LiteLoader tab lists all of the game libraries as disabled mods. As a note, all of the minecraftArguments are the same, I have only appended --mods to the end. See below:

In the log you can see liteloader begins to attempt to discover these 'containers'. The following is a piece of the output, it continues on with the same style output for the rest of the library files for the duration of the discovery.

Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Discovering tweaks on class path...
Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Container C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\LauncherElectron\mcfiles\versions\1.11.2\1.11.2.jar is disabled
Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Baking listener list for EnumerationObserver with 1 listeners
Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Mod 1.11.2 is disabled or missing a required dependency, not injecting tranformers
Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Container C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\LauncherElectron\mcfiles\libraries\com\mojang\netty\1.6\netty-1.6.jar is disabled
Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Mod netty-1.6 is disabled or missing a required dependency, not injecting tranformers
Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Container C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\LauncherElectron\mcfiles\libraries\oshi-project\oshi-core\1.1\oshi-core-1.1.jar is disabled
Minecraft: [19:25:52] [main/INFO]: Mod oshi-core-1.1 is disabled or missing a required dependency, not injecting tranformers

When not using the --mods flag, the above output is not displayed, and ingame the only mods listed are the actual litemods which are present in the mods folder.

I have been trying to look for a cause for this in the source code, but I can't seem to come across it. I hope that with posting this issue you can give me some insight into why this is happening, or even correct the issue altogether. I have also noticed that the liteloader.profiles.json lists all of the libraries, not sure why this is either.

Here are some points of interest in the code:

Thank you for your time.

2 participants