EventTransformer.java 14.9 KB
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 * This file is part of LiteLoader.
 * Copyright (C) 2012-16 Adam Mummery-Smith
 * All Rights Reserved.
package com.mumfrey.liteloader.transformers.event;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.helpers.Booleans;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LocalVariableNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.util.CheckClassAdapter;

import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.core.runtime.Obf;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.transformers.ByteCodeUtilities;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.transformers.ClassTransformer;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.transformers.ObfProvider;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.transformers.access.AccessorTransformer;
import com.mumfrey.liteloader.util.log.LiteLoaderLogger;

 * EventTransformer is the spiritual successor to the
 * <tt>CallbackInjectionTransformer</tt> and is a more advanced and flexible
 * version of the same premise. Like the CallbackInjectionTransformer, it can be
 * used to inject callbacks intelligently into a target method, however it has
 * the following additional capabilities which make it more flexible and
 * scalable:
 * <ul>
 *     <li>Injections are not restricted to RETURN opcodes or profiler
 *     invocations, each injection is determined by supplying an InjectionPoint
 *     instance to the {@code addEvent} method which is used to find the
 *     injection point(s) in the method.</li>
 *     <li>Injected events can optionally be specified as *cancellable* which
 *     allows method execution to be pre-emptively halted based on the
 *     cancellation status of the event. For methods with a return value, the
 *     return value may be specified by the event handler.</li>
 *     <li>Injected events call back against a dynamically-generated proxy
 *     class, this means that it is no longer necessary to provide your own
 *     implementation of a static callback proxy, events can call back directly
 *     against handler methods in your own codebase.</li>
 *     <li>Event injections are more intelligent about injecting at arbitrary
 *     points in the bytecode without corrupting the local stack, and increase
 *     MAXS as required.</li>
 *     <li>Event injections do not "collide" like callback injections do - this
 *     means that if multiple events are injected by multiple sources at the
 *     same point in the bytecode, then all event handlers will receive and
 *     handle the event in one go. To provide for this, each event handler is
 *     defined with an intrinsic "priority" which determines its call order when
 *     this situation occurs</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Adam Mummery-Smith
public final class EventTransformer extends ClassTransformer
    public static final boolean DUMP = Booleans.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("liteloader.debug.dump"), false);

    public static final boolean VALIDATE = Booleans.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("liteloader.debug.validate"), false);

     * Multidimensional map of class names -> target method signatures -> events
     * to inject. 
    private static Map<String, Map<String, Map<Event, InjectionPoint>>> eventMappings = Maps.newHashMap();

    private static AccessorTransformer accessorTransformer;

    private int globalEventID = 0;

    static class Injection
        private final AbstractInsnNode node;

        private final boolean captureLocals;

        private final Set<Event> events = new TreeSet<Event>();

        private boolean hasLocals = false;

        private LocalVariableNode[] locals;

        public Injection(AbstractInsnNode node, boolean captureLocals)
            this.node = node;
            this.captureLocals = captureLocals;

        public AbstractInsnNode getNode()
            return this.node;

        public Set<Event> getEvents()
            return this.events;

        public LocalVariableNode[] getLocals()
            return this.locals;

        public Type[] getLocalTypes()
            if (this.locals == null) return null;

            Type[] localTypes = new Type[this.locals.length];
            for (int l = 0; l < this.locals.length; l++)
                if (this.locals[l] != null)
                    localTypes[l] = Type.getType(this.locals[l].desc);
            return localTypes;

        public boolean hasLocals()
            return this.hasLocals;

        public void setLocals(LocalVariableNode[] locals)
            this.hasLocals = true;
            if (locals == null) return;
            this.locals = locals;

        public boolean captureLocals()
            return this.captureLocals;

        public void checkCaptureLocals(InjectionPoint injectionPoint)
            if (injectionPoint.captureLocals != this.captureLocals)
                throw new RuntimeException("Overlapping injection points defined with incompatible settings. Attempting to handle "
                        + injectionPoint + " with capture locals [" + injectionPoint.captureLocals + "] but already defined injection point with ["
                        + this.captureLocals + "]");

        public void add(Event event)

        public int size()
            return this.events.size();

        public Event getHead()
            return this.events.iterator().next();

        public void addEventsToHandler(MethodNode handler)
            for (Event event : this.events)

        public boolean isCancellable()
            boolean cancellable = false;
            for (Event event : this.events)
                cancellable |= event.isCancellable();
            return cancellable;

    static void addEvent(Event event, String className, String signature, InjectionPoint injectionPoint)
        Map<String, Map<Event, InjectionPoint>> mappings = EventTransformer.eventMappings.get(className);
        if (mappings == null)
            mappings = new HashMap<String, Map<Event, InjectionPoint>>();
            EventTransformer.eventMappings.put(className, mappings);

        Map<Event, InjectionPoint> events = mappings.get(signature);
        if (events == null)
            events = new LinkedHashMap<Event, InjectionPoint>();
            mappings.put(signature, events);

        events.put(event, injectionPoint);

    static void addAccessor(String interfaceName)
        EventTransformer.addAccessor(interfaceName, null);

    static void addAccessor(String interfaceName, ObfProvider obfProvider)
        if (EventTransformer.accessorTransformer == null)
            EventTransformer.accessorTransformer = new AccessorTransformer()
                protected void addAccessors() {}

        EventTransformer.accessorTransformer.addAccessor(interfaceName, obfProvider);

    public final byte[] transform(String name, String transformedName, byte[] basicClass)
        if (basicClass != null && EventTransformer.eventMappings.containsKey(transformedName))
            return this.injectEvents(name, transformedName, basicClass, EventTransformer.eventMappings.get(transformedName));

        if (EventTransformer.accessorTransformer != null)
            return EventTransformer.accessorTransformer.transform(name, transformedName, basicClass);

        return basicClass;

    private byte[] injectEvents(String name, String transformedName, byte[] basicClass, Map<String, Map<Event, InjectionPoint>> mappings)
        if (mappings == null) return basicClass;

        ClassNode classNode = this.readClass(basicClass, true);

        for (MethodNode method : classNode.methods)
            String signature = MethodInfo.generateSignature(method.name, method.desc);
            Map<Event, InjectionPoint> methodInjections = mappings.get(signature);
            if (methodInjections != null)
                this.injectIntoMethod(classNode, signature, method, methodInjections);

        if (EventTransformer.accessorTransformer != null)
            EventTransformer.accessorTransformer.apply(name, transformedName, basicClass, classNode);

        if (EventTransformer.VALIDATE)
            ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
            classNode.accept(new CheckClassAdapter(writer));

        byte[] bytes = this.writeClass(classNode);

        if (EventTransformer.DUMP)
                FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(new File(".classes/" + Obf.lookupMCPName(transformedName).replace('.', '/') + ".class"), bytes);
            catch (IOException ex) {}

        return bytes;

     * @param classNode
     * @param signature
     * @param method
     * @param methodInjections
    void injectIntoMethod(ClassNode classNode, String signature, MethodNode method, Map<Event, InjectionPoint> methodInjections)
        Map<AbstractInsnNode, Injection> injectionPoints = this.findInjectionPoints(classNode, method, methodInjections);

        for (Entry<AbstractInsnNode, Injection> injectionPoint : injectionPoints.entrySet())
            this.injectEventsAt(classNode, method, injectionPoint.getKey(), injectionPoint.getValue());

        for (Event event : methodInjections.keySet())
            event.notifyInjected(method.name, method.desc, classNode.name);

     * @param classNode
     * @param method
     * @param methodInjections
    private Map<AbstractInsnNode, Injection> findInjectionPoints(ClassNode classNode, MethodNode method, Map<Event, InjectionPoint> methodInjections)
        ReadOnlyInsnList insns = new ReadOnlyInsnList(method.instructions);
        Collection<AbstractInsnNode> nodes = new ArrayList<AbstractInsnNode>(32);
        Map<AbstractInsnNode, Injection> injectionPoints = new LinkedHashMap<AbstractInsnNode, Injection>();
        for (Entry<Event, InjectionPoint> eventEntry : methodInjections.entrySet())
            Event event = eventEntry.getKey();
            InjectionPoint injectionPoint = eventEntry.getValue();
            if (injectionPoint.find(method.desc, insns, nodes, event))
                for (AbstractInsnNode node : nodes)
                    Injection injection = injectionPoints.get(node);
                    if (injection == null)
                        injection = new Injection(node, injectionPoint.captureLocals());
                        injectionPoints.put(node, injection);

                    if (injectionPoint.captureLocals() && !injection.hasLocals())
                        LocalVariableNode[] locals = ByteCodeUtilities.getLocalsAt(classNode, method, node);
                        if (injectionPoint.logLocals())
                            int startPos = ByteCodeUtilities.getFirstNonArgLocalIndex(method);

                            LiteLoaderLogger.debug("Logging local variables for " + injectionPoint);
                            for (int i = startPos; i < locals.length; i++)
                                LocalVariableNode local = locals[i];
                                if (local != null)
                                    LiteLoaderLogger.debug("    Local[%d] %s %s", i, ByteCodeUtilities.getTypeName(Type.getType(local.desc)),


        return injectionPoints;

     * @param classNode
     * @param method
     * @param injectionPoint
     * @param injection
    private void injectEventsAt(ClassNode classNode, MethodNode method, AbstractInsnNode injectionPoint, Injection injection)
        Event head = injection.getHead();

        LiteLoaderLogger.debug("Injecting %s[x%d] in %s in %s", head.getName(), injection.size(), method.name,

        MethodNode handler = head.inject(injectionPoint, injection.isCancellable(), this.globalEventID, injection.captureLocals(),


    public static void dumpInjectionState()
        int uninjectedCount = 0;
        int eventCount = 0;

        LiteLoaderLogger.debug("EventInjectionTransformer: Injection State");
        for (Entry<String, Map<String, Map<Event, InjectionPoint>>> mapping : EventTransformer.eventMappings.entrySet())
            LiteLoaderLogger.debug("Class: %s", mapping.getKey());
            for (Entry<String, Map<Event, InjectionPoint>> classMapping : mapping.getValue().entrySet())
                LiteLoaderLogger.debug("    Method: %s", classMapping.getKey());
                for (Event event : classMapping.getValue().keySet())
                    uninjectedCount += event.dumpInjectionState();
        LiteLoaderLogger.debug("Listed %d injection candidates with %d uninjected", eventCount, uninjectedCount);