3.39 KB
package com.mumfrey.liteloader.util;

import java.util.List;

import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatStyle;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent;

 * Utility functions for chat
 * @author Adam Mummery-Smith
public abstract class ChatUtilities
	private static String formattingCodeLookup;
		StringBuilder formattingCodes = new StringBuilder();
		for (EnumChatFormatting chatFormat : EnumChatFormatting.values())
		ChatUtilities.formattingCodeLookup = formattingCodes.toString();
	private ChatUtilities() {}
	 * Get a chat style from a legacy formatting code
	 * @param code Code
	 * @return
	public static ChatStyle getChatStyleFromCode(char code)
		int pos = ChatUtilities.formattingCodeLookup.indexOf(code);
		if (pos < 0) return null;
		EnumChatFormatting format = EnumChatFormatting.values()[pos];
		ChatStyle style = new ChatStyle();
		if (format.isColor())
		else if (format.isFancyStyling())
			switch (format)
				case BOLD: style.setBold(true); break;
				case ITALIC: style.setItalic(true); break;
				case STRIKETHROUGH: style.setStrikethrough(true); break;
				case UNDERLINE: style.setUnderlined(true); break;
				case OBFUSCATED: style.setObfuscated(true); break;
		return style;

	 * Convert a component containing text formatted with legacy codes to a native ChatComponent structure
	public static IChatComponent convertLegacyCodes(IChatComponent chat)
		return ChatUtilities.covertCodesInPlace(chat);

	private static List<IChatComponent> covertCodesInPlace(List<IChatComponent> siblings)
		for (int index = 0; index < siblings.size(); index++)
			siblings.set(index, ChatUtilities.covertCodesInPlace(siblings.get(index)));
		return siblings;

	private static IChatComponent covertCodesInPlace(IChatComponent component)
		IChatComponent newComponent = null;
		if (component instanceof ChatComponentText)
			ChatComponentText textComponent = (ChatComponentText)component;
			ChatStyle style = textComponent.getChatStyle();
			String text = textComponent.getChatComponentText_TextValue();
			int pos = text.indexOf('\247');
			while (pos > -1 && text != null)
				if (pos < text.length() - 1)
					IChatComponent head = new ChatComponentText(pos > 0 ? text.substring(0, pos) : "").setChatStyle(style);
					style = ChatUtilities.getChatStyleFromCode(text.charAt(pos + 1));
					text = text.substring(pos + 2);
					newComponent = (newComponent == null) ? head : newComponent.appendSibling(head);
					pos = text.indexOf('\247');
					text = null;

			if (text != null)
				IChatComponent tail = new ChatComponentText(text).setChatStyle(style);
				newComponent = (newComponent == null) ? tail : newComponent.appendSibling(tail);
		if (newComponent == null)
			return component;

		for (IChatComponent oldSibling : ChatUtilities.covertCodesInPlace(component.getSiblings()))

		return newComponent;