973 Bytes
package com.mumfrey.liteloader;
import java.util.List;
* Interface for mods which want to handle raw packets
* @author Adam Mummery-Smith
public interface PacketHandler extends LiteMod
* Get list of packets to handle
public List<Class<? extends Packet>> getHandledPackets();
* @param netHandler The vanilla nethandler which will handle this packet if not cancelled
* @param packet Incoming packet
* @return True to allow further processing of this packet, including other PacketHandlers and eventually the vanilla netHandler, to inhibit further
* processing return false. You may choose to return false and then invoke the vanilla handler method on the supplied INetHandler if you wish to
* inhibit later PacketHandlers but preserve vanilla behaviour.
public abstract boolean handlePacket(INetHandler netHandler, Packet packet);